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Marrying at Villa di Maiano

There’s something truly irresistible about tying the knot in Tuscany. How could anybody not say yes to the rolling hills, quintessential sunsets and some of the finest food and wine in the world?


Event planners Giritaly  recently organized a fairytale destination wedding at Villa di Maiano in the hills of Florence, thanks to the fundamental support of Tuscany for Weddings, the dedicated division of Destination Florence Convention & Visitors Bureau operating on behalf of Toscana Promozione Turistica. Famous for being featured in James Ivory’s iconic movie Room with a View, the 15th-century villa was the spectacular setting chosen by the planners with their Saudi Arabian clients Nedim and Iman, which welcomed 80 guests from May 24 to 26. We spoke with the wedding planners to discuss the process.

Why did you decide on Tuscany for this important wedding?
Other than the couple being in love with Florence, we are in love too. The selection of locations, the skillful and agile providers and, most importantly, the support system from Tuscany for Weddings made both the couple’s and the planner’s experience smooth and fruitful.

What was important for you in terms of choice of location? How did Tuscany deliver?
Tuscany has so many beautiful locations, but I have to say that Villa di Maiano is the most supportive and “home away from home” venue we have ever worked with.

Tell us about the concept behind the wedding.
We used olive trees and candles to create a warm, cozy and rustic ambiance…The design process played a crucial role in making the wedding truly special. The save the date and the watercolor painting crafted a visual narrative that celebrated the couple’s love story and showcased the beauty of Villa di Maiano and Florence. The festivities started with welcome drinks set against the backdrop of the breathtaking villa and its lush gardens as guests were treated to expertly crafted and elegantly presented delectable delights. The indoor dinner was a stunning showcase of creativity and elegance. The tree-inspired decor, inspired by the villa’s environment, enchanted guests and added a touch of magic to the evening.

What were the benefits in terms of arranging a wedding in Tuscany?
Advantages included the incredible coordination we enjoyed with the Convention Bureau as well as with suppliers we already knew and new partners introduced to us by Tuscany for Weddings that proved to be superb. The credit for making this dream come true goes to Villa di Maiano, Floralia for the flower design, Galateo Ricevimenti for the catering, JDEvents for light and sound, Baspi and Coave for transfer, while the pre-wedding event was held at IL Tornabuoni Hotel and accommodation at Helvetia & Bristol and CHotels. We would like to thank Tuscany for Weddings for their invaluable assistance in making this wedding a truly unforgettable experience. Their support, guidance and reliable network of suppliers were instrumental in bringing our vision to life.

Tuscany is still top

Out of the 11,100 international couples who got married in Italy in 2022, Tuscany remained the most popular region for destination weddings at 21%

(Source: Osservatorio Destination Weddings in Italy Report, conducted by Centro Studi Turistici di Firenze, commissioned by Convention Bureau Italia and funded by Italy’s Ministry of Tourism)

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