• Featured on Ed.11
  • SPRING 2024

Countdown to the Tour de France

On March 21, Florence commenced the 100-day countdown to the Grand Départ of the Tour de France, which will transform the city on June 29. For the first time in its 121-year history, the world-famous cycling race will begin in Italy, and Florence has been chosen as the prestigious cycling event’s first Italian point of departure. Bathed in yellow, the symbolic colour of the Tour de France, Florence began its 100 days of celebrations, in eager anticipation of both the athletes and their leagues of excited fans.

Destination Florence is working to support the Comune di Firenze in their preparations for this historic event and, in tandem, is expanding their efforts in the field of sports tourism and infrastructure in the city. With over 25 years of experience in the events field, Destination Florence is taking the opportunity to strengthen this activity by engaging more prominently in major sporting events, the Tour de France included. As one of the most watched sports events in the world, the Tour de France routinely attracts tens of millions of roadside spectators, and is broadcast to viewers in 190 countries. In June, all eyes will be on Florence for its opening.

President of Destination Florence, Jacopo Vicini, is attentive to the many benefits that the Tour de France will bring to Florence and to Tuscany this summer, and hopes the event will highlight the riches of the region. Speaking recently on Toscana TV, Vicini explained that

“Cycling in particular allows you to promote the territory like no other sport, because you are not in an arena or a stadium, but, as we will see throughout the Tour de France, we will be able to promote our territory, not only Florence, but the whole metropolitan area, across the world...More so than economic and touristic value, there’s a cultural value. Cycling tells us a story that is wonderful to preserve and pass down to our children”

The additional encouragement for the use of bicycles also adds an environmental benefit.

The first stage of the plan to strengthen this type of tourism includes close collaboration with local public bodies and sports organizations. Vicini elaborates on Destination Florence’s growing role in this sphere:

“One of the objectives in 2024 is to open a division dedicated exclusively to sporting events at Destination Florence. Our role as an institution is to promote Florentine tourism, working to increase the quality of tourism and to direct visitor flows, largely working with congresses, but also weddings, in recent years, given that Florence has an ever-increasing appeal. Sporting events are certainly an aspect we can work on. The Tour de France is an unrepeatable occasion, but the Firenze Marathon, EuroVolley, CT Tennis, and the Rugby Test Match are all successful examples of sports tourism”.

On June 29, 176 cyclists will line up for their Grand Départ from Florence, but Destination Florence will be celebrating a Grand Départ of their own. The key event will symbolize the formation of this aspect of their endeavours to promote a more sustainable Florence and the city’s ever-increasing assets for both locals and visitors.

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