• Featured on Ed.11
  • SPRING 2024

Fostering the future of Florence

Tour operator and travel agency ArtViva is a long-standing company in the city that is an innovative provider of themed experiences and tours. We speak to founder and director Rose Mager, who works with her husband Pier Carlo Testa, about their wide-ranging offering and her experience as a tour operator in the city.

Why did you choose to live in Florence, and what is your relationship with the city?

Choosing Florence as a place of residence was a decision deeply influenced by its unmatched cultural and historical significance. This city, renowned for its artistic and architectural masterpieces, offers an immersive journey through the Renaissance, making it an ideal setting for anyone with a profound appreciation for the arts and history. My initial interaction with Florence as an international student evolved into a profound connection, shaping my decision to not only make it my home but also the center of my professional endeavors.


What role do you play in ArtViva?

As a director of ArtViva, my role extends beyond the operational oversight of a leading tour company. It encom- passes a commitment to promoting sustainable tourism, a commitment that is critically important in a UNESCO World Heritage site like Florence. We are acutely aware of the challenges posed by overtourism and are dedicatEd to crafting experiences that encourage visitors to engage with the city in a manner that is both respectful and enriching. Our aim is to facilitate a deeper exploration of Florence, promoting longer stays and more meaningful interactions with the city’s soul. This approach is designed to safeguard both the tangible and intangible heritage of Florence, from its iconic landmarks to the local artisans who are the custodians of traditional crafts.

ArtViva’s status as a licensed tour operator significantly bolsters our capacity to contribute positively to sustainable tourism efforts in Florence. This licensure is not merely a formality but signifies our dedication to maintaining high ethical and responsible tourism standards. Our commitment is reflected in the design of our tours, which are carefully curated to minimize environmental impact while maximizing cultural appreciation. By prioritizing authentic encounters and steering away from the well-trodden paths, we offer unique insights into Florence’s lesser-known yet equally captivating aspects.


What is ArtViva’s strength?

What distinguishes ArtViva from other operators is our unwavering dedication to authenticity, quality, and personalized service. Our experiences are crafted to go beyond mere sightseeing, aiming to connect our guests with the essence of Florence and Italy. Through exclusive access to local artisans, historians, and experts, we provide an intimate and informed exploration of the city. This approach not only enhances the experience of our clients but also benefits the local community, contributing to the economy in a manner that respects and preserves Florence’s cultural landscape.

Looking to the future, ArtViva is stead-fast in its dedication to setting an example in the field of cultural tourism. We envision a Florence where sustainable tourism practices ensure the city’s continued status as a beacon of art, culture, and history. By fostering a deeper and more respectful engagement with the city, we aim to protect its beauty and heritage for future generations.

My journey with Florence and ArtViva is an ongoing story of discovery, appreciation, and stewardship. It is an honor to share this experience with visitors from around the world, offering them a glimpse into the soul of Florence through responsible and enriching experiences. Our dedication to sustainable tourism and the unique value we provide through our tours reflect our deep commitment to ensuring that the rich tapestry of Florence’s heritage continues to be celebrated and preserved.

DF Mags
  • Featured on Ed.11
  • SPRING 2024
  • Featured on Ed.11
  • SPRING 2024
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